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Half-Life 2: Raindrop


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A lot of you have probably seen this but I'm posting it up anyway to bring it to the attention of those that haven't seen it. It's a mod set in a part of Russia that's been abandoned for sometime and it's possible that some nasty experiments happened there at one time, you're some guy who wakes up and he can't remember his name. So far, so S.T.A.L.K.E.R. huh? It even looks a lot like it (but much more beautiful imho) with arcitecture borrowing heavily from Pripyat but this is going to be something truly special. They even have BuZZer on the team, the guy behind Paranoia mod who's lent them his voice talents, check out the video :)






Easily a contender for best looking Source mod along with Black Mesa imho.

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Great looking map. But i imagine some of the stuff looks better in screenshots. Something about that floor in the building, chunks of wood everywhere but its flat texture. Does screenshot justice but i have a feeling once you get walking around it \:....

But great stuff regardless!!

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