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Sound Engineers?


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Hey anyone in the game business, Like Zaphod!, how popular are sound engineers? By that I mean people who makes all the sounds to games like the gunshots, screams, music, etc?

Also is it called Sound engineers? I trying to get into that for college but I don't know where I could go for it...Probably full sail though.

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Whoops, man that was a fast reply btw, I mean like is it a popular job? I mean I know there are plenty level designers out there (no offense).

I just seeing would it be pretty easy to get into game business doing Sound Engineer or Sound Design?

Edit: heres one the colleges im considering (Click Gallery to see some work):


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are you saying you want to be paid to scream into a microphone....or like creating sounds from scratch from synthesizing programs and shit?

...because the talking part is more voice acting than anything else

but anyway, i always wondered how people make the sounds for games and shit....like if they actually went outside and dropped a metal chain in order to create the breaking sound in far cry etc etc.

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So you've already made sounds fx for games? If so that's cool, I just mean you shouldn't try to get into the industry by learning the subject which fills the requiremenst for the most demanded job at the moment (sound engineer, concept artist, level-designer, whatever...) rather expand your skills in the area you are best at and what you enjoy to do (most people don't start mapping with the intention to get hired anyway).

Because if you don't really love what you do, you will get sick of it soon.

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