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I want to present you my map ctf_rockpike, a symetrical capture the flag map in a rocky environment.



There are three ways to the enemy intel: 1. Going direct way, but you're a good target for snipers there, through a cave between the bases, or through a gangway next to the bases.


ctfrockpikeb3cavehk5.th.jpg ctfrockpikeb3spawnig5.th.jpg ctfrockpikeb3basejk9.th.jpg ctfrockpikeb3intelcavecp8.th.jpg

Here you can download the map from FPSBanana

Here you can download it from my homepage.

I would be glad about comments :)

  • 3 months later...

The new version of ctf_rockpike is released! Changelog b5:

-middle area and bases are longer

-added second spawn

-added several ways

-added health and ammo in middle area on ground level

-wider cave

-added details

-reworked soundscapes

And because Pictures say more than words, here are some screenshots:





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