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Source issue with func_areaportalwindow


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I'm modifiyeng a map atm, and I'm using func_areportalwindow to block of sections of the map, for some reason I keep getting thie ingame though


YOu can pass through it but it should disappear and show just the hallway when you get within a certain range of it. the settings are as follows

fade start and end distance are 750 (Slightly longer then the hallway)(basicly when your within the 750 it disappears like it should.

translucency limit is 0

The material is tools black.

What am I doing wrong :\?


One thought I just had though was whenever I compile it useing the red cicrled area it comes out allright, but when I compile fullscale it fucks up, the map has loads of leaks, you think those could cuase that to happen?

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