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Brand new, 4-player Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fighting game heading to Wii - select Super Smash Bros. Brawl/former Team Ninja staffers developing!


This got me REALLY excited this morning, but from the info that is available it seems to take the beat'em up route à la Smash Bros and not the co-op "fight your way through dozens of stages" gameplay that my friends and me enjoyed so much in the Turtles games on NES and SNES!

Still the idea of a turtles game that focuses on beating the crap out of each other sounds promising! To be honest I'm not sure if Ubisoft is the best partner for this one, but Super Smash Bros. Brawl & former Team ninja staff gives me hope!


i sold mine =), like everyone i know that has a wii, i only touched it in the first few weeks i owned it..

how much did you sell it for? maybe i should pawn mine off to some family who'll actually put it to use...


For a console that sold 2 million units in November, outselling its closest competitor over 2 for 1, you'd think everyone with an interest to the industry would pay more attention....


Sounds just like turtles in time again, not a bad thing though, one of my favourite games back when I last had a console.

Me and a friend beat the game once in 19 minutes something, a little feat if I may say so myself.


yess we need tournament fighters 2!

Do we...Do we really?

The early NES Turtles game and Turtles in Time are the only ones worth remembering. Here's hoping this one turns out well, more 4 player fighters isn't a bad thing.

Speaking of which, where's my Power Stone 3, Capcom?


People still have Wii's? I thought that was a spure of the moment thing and that it's passed now...

Still play mine regularly, can't beat a bit of Mario Kart. When you can't get the friends over, its time to beat some newbs up online.

Admittedly 99% of the games are shite, but its the Nintendo stuff that makes it a winner.

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