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Layoffs at GBX-Aliens game affected-what the?

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The story is still developing, reporting layoffs (due to poor sales performance of Hell's Highway?!), first saying that Aliens - Colonial Marines is canned, then Randy Pitchford tunes in and says something like this:

"Aliens isn't canned," said Pitchford. "We've made some transformative changes and yes, that's meant some talent changes, but that's not the real story. The true relevance of the story will actually be irrelevant until we release our next game, at which time I hope there will be a lot of interest in what we've done that can produce such results."




Seems like Lee3dee lost his job :( If you read this, good luck getting back on your feet bro!


26 people got the axe yesterday, and what seems like 15 more over the last month.... so in total about 40 people lost their jobs. that's a pretty heavy hit for a small studio like Gearbox :(

I partly agree, 40 people are a lot (I assume the mood at GBX isn't the best right now :( ), but if you think about it, GBX was getting pretty big for a studio. How many titles were/are in development at the same time? 4? 5? More?


I was laid off at the end of October during the pre-gbx layoffs. there were more than 26 of us laid off, but it wasn't made public. Nice thing for me is that I have a months head start in job hunting, and I already have 4 good leads.

Gearbox was a great place to work before all these layoffs I hope they will bounce back. I'd definitely work there again :D


I guess it's natural for a company to keep the mindset that constant growth is the only way to go. There comes a time when everything hits a practicle peak and down scaling is called for. It still sucks for the developers effected.


I did keep an eye on Brothers in Arm's sales when it came out (Most of all because I was curious as to how a non CoD WW2 shooter would do at this point in time). From the sales it would definitely suggest that it hasn't broken even, and given Gearbox's size then I would actually be surprised if nothing like this had happen.

It totally sucks that this had to happen, but Gearbox is a good studio, I'm sure they'll bounce back.

But I guess that means that we've seen the last of the Bro's in Arms games :o

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