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well spotted :D

man, I can't wait for this. I'm a bit of a scifi nerd.

Same, and i allways liked Star trek more then Star Wars. I watched yesterday but waited for more reply to see if any one else saw the second trailer. Well some one did but for me the 2 trailers were the same. Wierd. I'll check again. Oh yeah and the one i saw was really short on a guy welding(sp?) so it didn't give me that much.


This might actually turn out to be the first good Star Trek movie. No offense to Captain Picard fans :D

I don't know. The thing with Star Trek and for most Star Trek fans is that they were pioneer in sience and technique. Many things that they had in movies and the serie was later reality in the real world. Now the later series didn't do that well and much because they weren't that innovating with technique anymore. So i'm not sure this movie will go well with Star Trek fans but we will see. Also i got the second trailer to work, looks nice.


I'm not into Star Trek, but I think anyone should just stop and turn back whenever the name J.J. Abrams pops up on screen...

I associate the J.J. Abrams with quality, personally. :-D

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