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"Constitution Restoration Act of 2004"

The Postman

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...or "How America Becomes a Christian Fundamentalist Nation."

http://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism ... onAct.html

Read up, but here's the meat of it:

`Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Supreme Court shall not have jurisdiction to review, by appeal, writ of certiorari, or otherwise, any matter to the extent that relief is sought against an element of Federal, State, or local government, or against an officer of Federal, State, or local government (whether or not acting in official personal capacity), by reason of that element's or officer's acknowledgement of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government.'.

So what does that mean to you, the citizen? Well it means that it's a-ok for an elected official to use "God's will" as a reason for a decision or ruling. That's all fine and dandy if, per se', you believe in God, or if you're not an agnostic or of another faith. But we are not a Christian nation. We may have lots of Christians within us, but much like we have no true official language, we do not have "an official faith." This would pretty much change that.

This is another misnomer, almost comparable to the "Patriot Act" for misleading the nation. Average Joe American goes "Oh, they want to restore the Constitution? Well I'm all for that!" and passes it off as just another Act. Much in the way that those same Average Joes don't seem to see how misused the Patriot Act has been, and will more than likely, be used. It's patriotism baby, don't question it! Don't be so un-American!

Well, rebellion, questioning the ruling class, and going against the wishes of a tyrannical, religiously influenced government was what our forefathers and framers of the Constitution were all about. It's time to take stock in how much we give away, before it's truly gone.

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No problem :)

I found it on the same site as the one ya posted.

Now let us pray for Bush, God's 2nd son right after Jesus.

Notwithstanding the advice, the President’s foreign policy revealed a flair for saber rattling. He warned the world that “nations are either with us or they’re against us!” His speeches, often containing allusions to biblical passages, were spoken with the certainty of a man who holds the authority of God’s wrath on earth, for he not only challenged the evil nations of the world, singling out Iraq, Syria, Iran, and North Korea as the “axis of evil,” but he wielded the sword of punishment and the sword of revenge against his own people: the American poor and the middle class who according to the religious right have earned God’s wrath by their licentiousness and undisciplined lives.

To the middle class he said, “I’m going to give you clear skies clean air and clean water,” then he gutted the environmental controls that were designed to provide clean air and water. The estimated number of premature deaths that will result: 100,000.[5] He said to the poor and to the middle class: “I’m going to give you a prescription drug program, one that you truly deserve.” Then he gave the drug industry an estimated $139 billion dollars in increased profits from the Medicare funds and arranged for the poorest of seniors to be eliminated from coverage, while most elderly will pay more for drugs than they paid before his drug benefit bill passed.[6] After that he arranged for the dismantling of the Medicare program entirely, based on the method outlined by his religious mentors.[7] He said to the people of America, “I’m going to build a future for you and your children,” then he gutted their future with tax breaks to the rich and a pre-emptive war against Iraq, and the largest spending deficit in history.[8]

I just can't stop laughing at that picture! It's hilarious!

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