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Why is this fantastic game mode ignored by so many developers? The first thing I do when I see a new game is ask myself "Does it have coop?" There are some developers finally recognizing this and releasing it with the games. Left 4 Dead for example. But I could make a list as long as my arm about which games would have benefited from it so greatly, but was never added. And that really irritates me as I and a lot of my friends LOVE coop games. However I've seen forum posts about someone asking about good coop games and he gets replies of "Counter-Strike is coop". Doom 3 PC now has a coop mod and me and my friend play it to death. yet the xbox version had two player coop as standard. Why? System Shock 2, the last great coop game had it patched in because people asked for it. Why can't that be done today, still? Coop is wanted on many, many g ames but it's never added on some basis that it's "Too hard". True, I can see it being tough with Stalker for example but that doesn't excuse the other less complex games. Is it just plan lazyness on developers behalf or the Publishers not allowing them time to add it in as they don't see it as a feasible addition with their budget?

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Why? System Shock 2, the last great coop game had it patched in because people asked for it. Why can't that be done today, still? Coop is wanted on many, many g ames but it's never added on some basis that it's "Too hard". True, I can see it being tough with Stalker for example but that doesn't excuse the other less complex games. Is it just plan lazyness on developers behalf or the Publishers not allowing them time to add it in as they don't see it as a feasible addition with their budget?

Implementing COOP to an existing game is by no means an easy task, even with fully working SP, MP and splitscreen already! There is an a lot more coding to be done than you might expect. I know this as I experienced it firsthand with Kane & Lynch, which I worked on the DLC for. COOP was a highly requested feature, but it did not get in as it would probably have doubled the dev time on the patch/DLC.

Think of e.g. the thousands of characters running around on some K&L levels, how would you synchronize those over network? This is just not possible without insane amounts of bandwidth.

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in the bar i work in, we have an arcade machine with just about 20 different arcade titles from that time, including golden axe and final fight (mayor haggar is the fucking shit). we relive nostalgia every friday night. i still prefer games where good skill and timing can beat the opponent though (see: puzzle fighter). coop is overrated.

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Get yourself a PSP and put a custom firmware on it!

You can emulate all the classics on PSP, from SNES games, Sega Mega Drive (genesis), Neo-Geo, etc!

And since the display is small, it doenst 'hurt' too much playing this old games!

I replayed one of my favourit mega drive games on my PSP a few months back, all the sonics, shinobi, streets of rage, golden axe, earthworld jim, etc! Man, those games still kick some serious ass! :D

PS. Sorry for the OT! :ninja:

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As Zacker said Coop Mode is very hard to add. If there's a trigger on a level that is checking a distance between player and some other thing, what to do when there's two players. Yes - check distance for both of them. That's x2 of work to do. Another example is splitscreen. When engine works fine on one screen there might be problem rendering another field of view of second player.

Games like GOW was made for Coop, levels where planned great just to have fun on two player coop. In open space levels there's a lot of problems with setting position of player and good action spawning that won't look stupid so first of all: games with engine that can support it and games that are planned to be coop might give a good gameplay ;)

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