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Haktoria crap


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- all the stuff you do is so outdated (i don't mean that as an insult ) its just really tough to critics because the obviouse stuff like: "use 1024x2024 or higher textures", "use normal maps", "give it a proper specular mask", "add another 5000 k polys or so to round of those harsh edges" ... that kind of criticism is just not applicable if i compare your stuff to the models and textures form the original quake and the likes i must say great job your stuff looks as good or better. but thats just not the mindset of people these days anymore.

-also i took the liberty to close that reported post he didn't mean it an offensive way just look at his avatar he is obviously a fan of the old school ness you deliver !

said oldschoolness definitely has its charm ... i mean i sure as hell always go out of my way check out when you post something because i want to be the first to see.

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I can never tell if you are actually looking for criticism or just playing an internet personality. Warby pretty much nailed it, these models look outdated and I don't even have that feeling of "old school greatness" in the them. They look outdated just for the sake of it... you could easily paint their textures in double the size since Quake 3 can handle that. Making textures half the size just for the sake of it won't make them look any "cooler" or "old-school", it will just make them pixelated and ugly. There's a reason people make pixelated tiny textures and it's because they look better on a tiny DS screen. You as a polycount frequenter should know that better.

You have potential, experience and skills but you will never get anywhere until you stop working on these outdated stuff and keep up with your time. Quake 3 times are over, get over it and improve your standards.

Lastly, if you want people to respect your art show yourself some respect first. Calling your art "crap" won't help you get constructive feedback.

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