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New Compile Tools for any Source game


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qUiCkSiLvEr just released his latest tool called VBCT (Valve Batch Compile Tool) which acts as a replacement for the Hammer interface to compile your map.

It also brings a vast list of improvements over Hammer as it gives you help and description of each of the processes along the way, yet still acts as a simplified expert mode.

I was fortunate enough to be among the beta testers for qS for the past few weeks, and I must say this tool is my new best friend mapping. In contrary to Nem's own tool, this one is a lot more user friendly. While I realize this isn't exactly the kinda target visiting this forum regularly, I personally prefer it over Nem's.

Give it a try !


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Very cool.

I used batch files in the HL1 days as it was almost neccessary due to the percentage of resources Worldcraft ate up, but now I find it easiest just to use Hammer, it's not any slower in these days of multi-gigs of ram and theres really only a few extra options you need and I built them into Hammer's hdr full final setting.

But I'm sure I'll use this when my single player HL2/portal packs are done to do final compiles on everything at once.

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