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[TF2/FF] Desolation

Mr. Happy

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TF2 arena map in a desert environment focusing on multi-tiered terrain and lots of cover to circle around during intense firefights. Arena isn't my favorite game mode, but I do like it sometimes and they are smaller, faster to build, maps, which is ideal as I want to finish this quickly.

When this is done, I'm converting it to two team murderball for Fortress Forever.

Oct 25th 2008 - First public beta released! :o

I've put a lot more work into this map, building surrounding areas and 3Dskybox to flesh out it's world-location-situation-place-cheese-whatever thing. Also adding more detail, optimizaing the collission hull, tweaking lighting, and putting in...wait for it...clouds!

There's still more to be done in detail and optimization, tweaking the 3Dskybox, lighting, adding ambient sound, and making the spawns more than just empty boxes, but you should (hopefully) find it fun to play, pleasing to the eyes, and FPS friendly.

Enough talk, download links and fresh screenshots follow.

Download at TF2Maps.net

Download at Filefront

Download at FPSBanana





Oh and for the love of cheese please leave comments, criticisms, suggestions, etc!

Oct 10th 2008 - First art pass, some lighting and prop optimization. Changed sky and tweaked lighting.

I want to have another playtest before building the surrounding areas and skybox, then comes more detail, then final lighting and that's it.

http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q192 ... b10000.jpg

Overview of blue side of middle.

http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q192 ... b10001.jpg

Blue's "backyard"

http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q192 ... b10004.jpg

Underneath the cap point. The mine elevator shaft = deathly fall of doom.

Oct 2nd 2008 - Layout, basic detail, and basic lighting done.

After several playtests I've finalized the layout. There are 3 small health vials clustered around the control point (one on each side and one underneath) to help drag the fighting there once mot people are dead and the point is unlocked.

http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q192 ... b50004.jpg

Part of blu side.

http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q192 ... b50000.jpg

Cap point goes between the two towers.

http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q192 ... b50001.jpg

Layout overview.

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