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Banjo-Kazooie 3 gameplay video

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I loved Banjo-Kazooie and its sequel — possibly on the same level as Mario 64 IMO, and definitely one of Rare's finest. I was a bit put off by the fact the third in the series will have a lot of emphasis on vehicles, but from what I've seen it does seem like they've done a really good job (Spore-like editor, except with lots of actual functionality rather than just looks).

There're meant to be 1,600 different parts you can use to build vehicular monstrosities, hence the name. I'm guessing this'll integrate with the puzzle element. I've seen planes and boats in other videos so there's going to be a lot of procedural fun there by the looks of it.

The new gameplay video is pretty cool, with a bunch of reappearing characters and some classic music. :cool: All footage is from the overworld, not the actual levels:


Shame the trailer shows none of the weird humour that made the originals so distinctive. Better still be in there. :oops:


Missed the Banjo games but it's hard not to be charmed by this. Looks like a ton of fun. There seems to be a large void where platformers used to be this gen, be nice to see something start filling that up at least a little bit.

Also curious about the price point for this. I doubt it has anything to do with the quality of the game but it's still something to wonder about - what Microsofts thinking is behind that. They did the same with Viva Pinata 2. (It's going for $39.99 US at launch).


Yeah the 360 is a bit of a sticking point for me seeing as I don't have one, but I'm fairly sure I will eventually. They're already getting pretty cheap (although to get all the wifi and shit you're still looking at PS3-esque prices), and that's obviously going to continue.

The price isn't really the problem in my case, though. I just don't have the room for a 360 in addition to the PS3 and Wii. :oops: Need to get the media room sorted out.

Fable 2 is another game I'm really interested in, having loved the original (Thanks to avoiding all the hype!).

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