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[UT3] HOLP2 Map Pack Released


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We have released our second HOLP map pack for Unreal Tournament 3.

HOLP (Hardcore Oldskool Low Poly)


# 9 Levels in total, 4 CTF and 5 DM levels.

# The focus is on great gameplay.

# Hardcore oldskool (think UT1) levels with minimum clutter, maximum gameplay, and somewhat decent visuals.

# Nearly all contributing level designers are professionally active within the games industry and all of them are European.

# Involved were Barballs, h0ok, Sjosz, HazelH, Slainchild, XYZ8000, Mclogenog, EvilMrFrank and Ignotium.

# Great perfomance.

# Wide range of themes and colors.

# No or limited bloom, depth of field, motion blur, normal maps, and so on.

Mirrors (more as they become available):




Homepage with individual screenshots: http://holp.pathnode.com/

This pack IS NOT meant to look awesome, nor to rival the graphics found in the retail UT3 levels. These levels are meant to provide pure gameplay, not to look great. We hope that our levels will bump up the popularity of the classic gamemodes DM and CTF, and get some clan play going again.

Unzip everything into C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps

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