BaRRaKID Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 First off all let me say that this is about a counter-strike project.. so if you think CS is old you may stop reading right about NOW! CSCAP is a project that is trying to bring more competitive maps to counter-strike, our main goal is to work with source, since maps like nuke and inferno where not included, and that's one of the main reasons why the Gamming community isn't acepting Source that well. Right now we are focusing on getting people to join us.. i'am looking mostly for modelers and texture artists, and if any mapper is interested your welcome to. Since we are all wayting for the source sdk to come out, we are now working with cs 1.6 trying to get something done, so as soon as the sdk is ready we have something to work with. You won't get any money for this!!!! if your interested please visit or #cscap at quakenet
DelaZ Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 I'm sure Valve is converting those maps right now...
st0lve Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 Yeah, they probably working on it atm.. Since they can't leave all the fun maps behind.
static07 Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 Hey, I founded this project. You're looking at it wrongly, It's not because the absence of those maps, It's about more maps, maps that are uniquely designed for competetive play, not for showing of mapping skills. Besides the chances of seeing nuke and train on cs:source are pretty low I guess as they didn't get in cs:cz. Inferno will come. We also welcome maps, not only mappers, Offcourse maps that are suitable for competetive play. :wink:
st0lve Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 CS is already filled with non good looking maps. Most CS maps have good gameplay.. You are going to create non-eyecandy maps alá de_cpl_fire and such? :-? And nuke and train will come, they are to populare to be ditched.
static07 Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 CS is already filled with non good looking maps. Most CS maps have good gameplay.. You are going to create non-eyecandy maps alá de_cpl_fire and such? :-? And nuke and train will come, they are to populare to be ditched. cpl_mill gets played all the time, de_laguna barely. The competetive scene does give about looks, but they still just want performance. We'll make sure our maps aren't plain ugly, we just won't spend ages on eyecandy.
-Stratesiz- Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 I prefer eyecandy that improves gameplay. Architectural and multidimensional ambience eyecandy and gameplay are inseparable. A map must be original and serve a purpose of some sort. A map can look good visually, but can also look bad gameplay wise. You don't need to play a map to know how the core aspects work.
BaRRaKID Posted October 17, 2004 Author Report Posted October 17, 2004 nice you all like your good lokking maps.. i have some too.. the point is leagues don't give a dam about pretty maps.. they wan't playable and tactical maps, and if they look good even better, clan wars are the heart of CS and you can't take that away from it.. we are looking for people who think the same way we do.. people who are tired of playing the same maps in clan wars and that wan't new ones wich chalenge their tatics.. if you think this way then please answer.. if not then don't even bother to answer, keep the flaming to yourself, thank you! those "advices" are not wath we need, wath we need is help, once again: 2d/ 3d artists that's all
st0lve Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 CS is already filled with non good looking maps. Most CS maps have good gameplay.. You are going to create non-eyecandy maps alá de_cpl_fire and such? :-? And nuke and train will come, they are to populare to be ditched. cpl_mill gets played all the time, de_laguna barely. The competetive scene does give about looks, but they still just want performance. We'll make sure our maps aren't plain ugly, we just won't spend ages on eyecandy.So your gonna make maps so that they get played insted of looking good.
static07 Posted October 18, 2004 Report Posted October 18, 2004 sigh... isn't that what's mapping is about? making new gameplay for ppl to play? not running around awing "oh this looks great" and never actually play the map? anyway I see there is no chance convincing anyone here so, toodeloo. :wink:
Pericolos0 Posted October 18, 2004 Report Posted October 18, 2004 i like the idea, cos only very few custom maps are actually fun to play. but i really dont give a damn anymore about cs mapping
BaRRaKID Posted October 18, 2004 Author Report Posted October 18, 2004 manny mappers don't like cs, but i really hope cs:source will change that ^^
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