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Hey ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Benjamin "Morphew" Bunse and I am working as an official mapper for the recently released World War 1 Half-Life modification "The Trenches" (www.thetrenches.net).

Getting good and usefull feedback from a community which mostly consists of people like "OMG me loves TT it is so h4x!11!!!1" is very hard (using 'elite' speek to make 'them' sound silly). That's why I am trying to get it from you.

People having eyes like an eagle might recognize that some models are floating. We are already into this.

This is my map tp_zorn which made it into the first official release and there are no plans yet :-D to take it out. The screenshots will guide you from one exit of the german's spawn to the last flag.

There are 5 flags on this map to capture. Each team has to capture the flags in a sequel. You cannot cap flag 3 when you do not 'own' the previous flag 2.

Ok, here are the screenshots (10 shots, each 800*600)











So, what do you think?


Pretty nice at parts, pic 2 and 3 are cool.

That street isn't too good though, and some buildings feel a bit like old boxes.

Add some more variations and lower them sidewalks on the last pic.


damn why all TT mappers like to sharpen their pics twice... hey lose on the doenerfilter guys D:~~

what do you mean? I play 1600x1024 and downscaled this with irfanview to 800x600. No filters used!

Thanks for the feedback so far. Yes, 'town'area needs improvement.


I know it sucks when a texture doesn't have a full set but in picture zorn10.jpg, you can see the building on the left. The window is repeating, doesn't look very good, although maybe it can be seen as decoration.

And as someone already mentioned, i'm not too found of big pavenments, I would down scale them, make them like half the size.

Add a trimming or border around the bases of your buildings, therefore it wouldn't have the repeating texture problem and your windows wouldn't be right near the floor, which is pretty unrealistic in most cases.

Also in the second picture, zorn02.jpg, i've never really liked the building on the right upon seeing it in the promo's. The damage just doesn't seem realistic. I think it's the roof. And from the shots, it seems kinda small.

The dullness I don't mind so much, since it is meant to be a World War 1 mod afterall.

- Ewok

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