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Crytek drops Crysis patch support


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I seems a rather premature development that's for sure. All the more when you consider that probably 50% + of gamers won't have even been in a position to try their product untill their next gaming pc upgrades, which could lead to all sorts of unforseen problems with the new tech they might be using.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0FiwWjv3OY. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Thrik, that's not the engine's fault. It's the guy who scripted the shark in that custom map, he forgot to limit the area where the shark can go, and one must do that by hand placing AI boundaries, so the AI knows where to go.

Honestly, Crysis is far from being a bug free game, but the official maps are pretty much playable and enjoyable, apart from the buggy and dumb AI! :roll:

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As mentioned in the shacknews article maybe they are working on an expansion pack and the discontinuation of patch development for the stand-alone Crysis is just a sign that an announcement of said add-on is on the horizon? Would be bad timing/poor communication if this holds true, but I can hardly believe they just drop support completely. Maybe game related bug fixes, but not engine/tool related fixes. Keep in mind they have a contractual responsibility for their engine licensees.

Also read the original announcement:

(...)At this time, there almost certainly will not be a patch 1.3 delivered for Crysis. We are aware that this news will disappoint many of you, and we would like to apologize profusely. There is a good reason for this and we hope you understand when you hear more about the reasons why in the very, very near future. Please realize this was an extremely difficult decision, but please do know that we are listening to your comments and are making more consistent community support a high priority.

We are confident that the things we are working on will be appreciated by the community, and we hope for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

Btw.: I don't know anything more than you, just guessing like everyone else.

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Long term post-release support is rare and you should be glad you get it when you do. Free content, whether patches, maps, or whatever, incurs a huge development cost that publishers aren't generally willing to offset - did you see Activision doing anything more than maybe 1 patch to games before they could make a killing on map packs on XBL? Raven's obligation to Q4 ended at the first patch so Activision wouldn't have to pay for it anymore, id's games have had longer support because they can afford to self-fund. Gearbox had to release the Halo Custom Edition that included all sorts of crazy fixes plus the ability to make user-made maps as an unofficial add-on. It's just not feasible for studios to do long-term large-scale stuff for free - as much as I'd suspect many of its employees would want to if they could.

Again, based on the wording, it sounds like more in the form of a sequel or expansion may be on the way. That's a good reason to move on. No need to brand Crytek the devil here.

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That's just about as poor a PR statement as you could ever come up with.

The much nicer way, that everyone would have been overjoyed with would have been something along the lines of shutting the hell up until you had something positive to say, like these nice things you mention barely and then and only then sneak in that part about the patch not coming for now and players having to wait some more for the whole deal.

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