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"Halo" around foliage textures - How to?


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Well the topic tells it.

I would like to add this "halo" like border around my foliage textures. The shader uses alphatest and its for some pine trees. the needles are not looking like they are supposed to do. maybe my needles are to fine but i would like to stick with a 512px texture for a branch.

But I didnt manage to recreate this effect in photoshop. maybe some of you can hint me to the right way.


Thanks for help. :)

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check out this tutorial i made ages ago:


the basic trick is to blur the layer several times with different blur intensity. this means:

1. blur with 2pixel radius

2. copy the blurred layer

3. merge it down

4. copy the now merged layer

5. select the lower layer

6. blur with 4 pixel radius

7. continue at step 2 while increasing the radius of blur

or just download my Photoshop action:

http://www.thomashess.net/exchange/junk ... ctions.atn

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