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My new portfolio - www.fbirck.com


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Hey everybody!

A few days ago I finally finished my portfolio, where I'll keep my game art/level design work. I did this mostly to practice some Photoshop web layouts (I like simple and clean visuals) and Ajax programming. The website was entirely made by me (code, layout, content), except for the splatter brushes and title font. It may have some english mistakes, as it's not my main language, but I'll be glad to hear some comments, suggestions, etc.

Here's the URL, hope you like it (compatible with every browser I guess, except IE6, as PNG alpha channel does not work on it):



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@kt: you mean to merge the tab-button with the current page, like the tabs you see in Windows?

The host is a bit slow, but I'm using a reseller account that I have with some friends (including Min0) to host our brazilian game art community (HP knows), so I'm saving some money :D


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