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[WiP] de_boston CS:S


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Looks good. As the other guys pointed out with the detail comments, things i can think of would be adding some window boxes to the houses, Some cars parked up in the road would add cover. Some variation to the textures on the houses, there's a lot of that red brick everywhere you look at the moment. Some more street furniture, adding a whole in the ground somewhere with some roadworks going on would work to break the street up a bit.

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the way you carved the windows into the building is totally going to kill the fps. make them modelled like dod:s and in clusters, that's gonna give you some slack to throw in even more details in other parts of the map. and it's going to look better.

beisdes that, i think it needs some new textures.

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Looks to me like you need a bit of weathering or something on the corners of the buildings to define it a bit more. everything looks a bit flat at the moment. experiment with the lighting too. try a different time of day etc.

Edit: also try getting in some drainpipes, railings, window details. It looks like you could benifit from custom models.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the crits... :)

have you got any screen of the layout?
...Not at the moment. There is only one big spot with streets accesible like that. The rest is restricted to corridor like areas.

the way you carved the windows into the building is totally going to kill the fps. make them modelled like dod:s and in clusters, that's gonna give you some slack to throw in even more details in other parts of the map. and it's going to look better.
...I work too many hours to learn to model at the moment. Those windows are not carved in...they're added brush by brush and anything not visible is nodrawed. On my POS computer I get 120 fps in that area after adding more trees and detail. The lowest I plan to go is 80fps anywhere in the map.

Looks to me like you need a bit of weathering or something on the corners of the buildings to define it a bit more. everything looks a bit flat at the moment. experiment with the lighting too. try a different time of day etc.
...I'm working on that thanks to that comment. I'm adding some decals I made to make it look a little more weathered. The lighting is where I want it at the moment...I even tried night time. I like daytime at the moment. I will tweak the color and brightness though.

I guess I have a long way to go. Thanks all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Make small displacements over the patches of grass along the streets, and make them very lightly rounded on the edges. The less uniform flat surfaces, the better. Plus, you can add dirt patches and stuff like that too them.

I'll second the suggestion to add some cars or other objects in the streets. Perhaps a dumpster, a building that was burnt out and is barricaded up, mail boxes, a moving truck, a crashed car? Try to make the individual buildings have something individual about them, at least some of them.

I would recommend moving the time the map is set to maybe late sunset or early sunrise, and add porch and street lights to make the buildings look more visually interesting, too.

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