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fewseb last won the day on September 4 2022

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  1. 2013 era post.
  2. [WORKSHOP LINK] Turbine is a 5v5 defuse map set in a hydro electric plant in New South Wales, Australia, I started the greybox in September of 2020 and have finally finished it now. Ive been working on it on and off throughout that time, with about a year of total work on it. I was inspired by cs_thunder and tc_hydro and wanted to make a map set in a dam. Unsurprisingly its quite hard to make that work within the constraints of a 5v5 defuse map, there were a lot of issues along the way getting the layout to work, but thanks to mapcores playtesting service I was able to get it right. Radar Overview Screenshots Description Overall while I am satisfied with the layout and had fun making the art, I dont feel accomplished with the theme as it turned more into "Warehouse with crates" then an actual dam, which I hope to rectify somewhat over time with updates. The enormous production time came down to having redesign a few areas multiple times and is something im going to try and avoid going forward. I would like to do a wingman map sometime in the future with a similar theme that incorporates the dam element better, as I dont feel like I really did what I set out to do with that aspect.
  3. Arkane could of salvaged that prototype and made their own original game with it. Its so disconnected from half life it could of just been its own IP. That being said I think for the time frame they made it in and how "new" source was at the time they did a really good job with the atmosphere and the lighting. The biggest issue with the gameplay presented is there are next to no breaks. You go from one zombie encounter to another in quick succession and often times have to solve puzzles while they are attacking you. The combat looked like it could be fun if they ever got passed just having zombies run at you. Overall a bit of a shame it never went anywhere, but at the same time Arkane also had bigger and better ideas that worked out for them.
  4. Not that they would never do it, but it seems unlikely that Valve would ever make another console game again. They were pretty open in the past about how much the console live system messes with how they like to develop games. (of note is how Valve was forced to charge for left 4 dead content updates that the pc got for free). Theyve also been open about how developing games for the ps3 and the strained relationship they had with Sony during that time basically solidified their opinion that consoles were not worth it. At the same time maybe in this situation, Sony has learned to stop being a pain in the ass with devs after a lot of missed opportunities and Valve could see value in the PSVR system as a way to get VR games more mainstream attention. But its also doubtful that the same company thats working on BCI believing it to be the future, would go back to what they essentially consider out-moded hardware.
  5. fewseb


    Excellent work as always, you're definitely one of the top artists in the community.
  6. fewseb


    The location is the most interesting thing theyve shown so far, southwest US towns and cities are very under utilized for game locations, especially for open world games. Its a good way to set this new series of Saints Row games apart from the old ones with their colder industrial mid-western cities. Though its really going to be a let down if they contrive this setting to be an Island, like they did in past games I got to ask why developers post "location trailers" that are 70% talking heads, cut with blink and you miss it shots of only the majors areas. Surely it would be cheaper and less effort to just make a trailer about the actual location in depth without all the pretend interviews. IOI did the same thing with Hitman 3 and really undersold the locations doing so. Even still though, the game looks good so far.
  7. fewseb

    Dead Space

    Theres a certain argument to be made that without the original team there, its going to be a very hollowed out game. Dead Space is one of those series that really only worked as well as it did because of a few people with a vision and a passionate team. Case and point being Dead Space 3 is the least liked of the series and it had a large amount of meddling behind the scenes by higher ups. The people with the vision kept getting road blocked so the share holders could be happy. So now a lot of people think its going to be a worse Dead Space 3. But at the same time, EA has learned a lot in the last 8 years, so its not necessarily doomed. Another point to bring up is according to the rumor mill, Visceral saw the writing on the wall and did everything they could to kill the franchise with the final DLC for Dead Space 3. After that the studio got put on death row, working on battlefield until they were inevitably shut down in 2017. They knew they were on the chopping block and didnt want EA to continue the franchise without them. So a remake, no matter how good it is, can be argued that it goes against the original dev teams intentions. Even still, its a bit too early to tell where the game is going.
  8. There is an option to auto grab in the gameplay settings. I will say if your not interested in it by the time you unlock the other 2 planets your probably not going to be very interested in anything else. But if you do keep going the enemies and the planets themselves do become more varied and interesting to fight/explore and it can become a fun gameplay loop if you can get used to how it handles.
  9. Definitely a large improvement over the original. When you compare two versions it really shows how fast youve progressed over the past year. Everything that was lacking in the original has been addressed. Colors are more uniform and refined, props all match a single style and the whole map feels more cohesive. Even the map logo is a major show of improvement in your skill. Considering how far youve come in so little time, it will be interesting to see around a year from now just how much more your skills have grown. I think you definitely have a bright future with both mapping and environment art.
  10. fewseb

    Far Cry 6

    Is there ever going to be farcry where someone other then the main villain has good voice acting?
  11. Its better on mobile now, but im seeing a lot less on desktop. Like its zoomed in. This is what I see when I open mapcore Trying to zoom out just dynamically spaces things out instead of shrinking it. I dont have any screenshots of the old version, but I used to be able to see Game-Dev, Off-Topic, Prodeus and Source 2 without having to scroll down or zoom out. I dont really see why it has to be so zoomed in or why topics and posts are slightly more spaced out.
  12. fewseb

    Corona Virus

  13. Ive updated Sawmill today with some additions and fixes. Im still working on improving FPS but its hard for to test for improvements since my PC doesnt run any map very well, so if you experience any noticeable boosts in FPS please let me know. -Added overhead cables -Added Cobwebs -Changed gascan texture -Changed wood tarp texture -Fixed missing chain texture -Fixed missing faces on log holder -Fixed gascan console spam -Fixed bomb stuck spots (thanks KETAL) -Fixed Ivey hiding spot -Removed inverted sign from forklift -Optimization WORKSHOP
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