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Everything posted by RaVaGe

  1. EDIT : Changed the "texture"
  2. 1 or 2 or 3 ? Really don't like it atm, looks too much like an euro town.
  3. Download A4 - Modified CP3 and CP4 The level is starting to play quite nicely, already starting to think a bit further about the theme
  4. Download A3 - Better pacing around the map now. I hope so ...
  5. happe bew nyer gus, it's 2PM and i'm still drunk as fuck, still hate that day tho.
  6. RaVaGe


    I really dig the colors dude, seriously great job ! EDIT : Please ask this guy for your soundtracks
  7. Here's my new pl map, the downlad will come soon, I just need some motivation to finish it asap Single stage payload map - Current version - A1
  8. Yeah keep it up bro, nobody want a normal life.
  9. All of these changes are utter crap, the only thing we need is the Women appreciation thread back, also there's not enough praise to Hurg atm, we should not lose faith in our savior. Remember, Hurg is love, Hurg is life.
  10. Aww man your quite lucky to have that guy as a teacher You know i've never been the kind of person who was respecting people because of their social statuses or their grade, I value people for what they are doing, and the issue is that I have no clue about geopolitics at all, so I can't really say "booo this guy suck so bad, my grandma could do it better than him", I mean i'm worthless in this field and I accept it without trying to be a smartass. So i'm all mixed about that atm, do we all have to know everything about anything to be sure that we are not fooled, or do we have to put our thrust in people who actually know their stuff about that, while not bothering and focus on the things that you enjoy ? If you want to give everyone on earth the right to weigh in the political decisions, you have to be sure that they are aware of the real situation, and a tons of other factors, which means that everyone on earth has to respect their duties and be aware of every situations, which is impossible. So we end up like in the "Who wants to be a millionaire" TV show, when the public has to vote, it's always funny to see that people actually vote, while they have no clue at all about the answer, and you end up with mitigated answers while it should be 100% on one, i'm not a huge fan of television tbh, but this one is always fun :_) On the other hand, I don't accept when some rulers of my country are, in my opinion, making a bad decision. So I don't know actually, this system isn't bad while it has some flaws, i'm not a huge fan of politics anyway, i'm the kind of guy who thinks that I can live without being aware of politics decisions, except when they seems to be a mistake to my eye, but in the end, I'm not qualified to judge.
  11. @Seldoon182 "You exactly fulfill the theory of conformism" I'm not a conformist or anything like that, I just accept the fact that sometimes, I just don't know. When you need an engineer to build your house, are you going to study engineering to be sure that he his doing his work properly and not trying to kill you ? I hope you don't. That's how we reached that level in society, because we trust each other, should we ? Well you never know, but some things can give you clues if you should trust someone or not. And we come again to that point of view example I gave, that's why politic is hard, because you have to bear with people who don't share the same point of view, there's so many parameters to take that it is nearly impossible to give a right answer for everyone. Social interaction eh, just look at the european parliament ... Anyway here's a small bit of a talk from Klein who explain in a better way what i've said, and he quite dismiss what I tryed to explain, but on the other hand it clearly show the issue, we all have to share the same point of view if we want to find an absolute truth. 10.27 - 12.30, his example works great for physics, however, for social interactions, it's more though :p.
  12. Yes it is, you can see something as completly fine while the other can see it as something wrong, i'm not sure that there is absolute truth, absolute thruth only exist when there's a defined point of view, points of view are the root of every cognitive thinking, they don't come before or afterwards, they are the outline that contains everything.
  13. As I said, only point of views matter, the fact of being right or not is just relative.
  14. I have to say one thing about that, even tough nobody want war, nobody either is willing to give up our little comfort here in Occident, and the point here is that your little comfort is actually depending on that "war" you're currently criticising, politic is something hard to understand, because it heavily relies on point of views, 2 peoples can actually be right about one question if they have different point of views and perspectives, even if they have a different answer. Imagine two people facing each other, with a cup of coffee in the middle, one see the hang at left, the other sees it at right, and they are both right because they merely have a different point of view, thus the answer is useless if everyone doesn't share the same point of view. I'm not talking about the terrorist acts of course, what they have done is complete madness, i'm talking about your reject of our actual society, how we are actually sheep who only follow rules, and these people who actually control us so bad, blablabla, I can't live the life I want because of them, we are brainwashed they are hiding the truth bla bla bla. You have to face it, you are rejecting a part of our society while completly embracing the other part, look at where you live, look at what you are doing right now, aren't you living the life you want ? Aren't you going to bed and wake up when you want ? While eating when you want the food that you want, look at africa, and all these poor countries in it with people who even have to struggle to feed them, all of that violence which happens every day, all that poverty, are you even noticing the huge gap of comfort between you and them ? The point is, we have become lazy assholes, we are actually criticizing how the world doesn't give us more, while eating our Big mac on the way of our prefered nightclub with our friends, when your scariest thought for tomorrow is if you will have a hangover or not. You reject those big societies who are actually making millions, while buying their products because it's awesome, you probably own that super Iphone or another smartphone, while doesn't giving a fuck about all the slavery behind in Congo and China, or even not being aware about that. The thing is we don't care because we don't want to see it, everyday we want more in despite of the others. Open your eyes, we are not sheeps, we are half-blind assholes. We have the chance to do everything we want in this society, face it, we've just become too lazy to work hard for it, anyway, someone else will do it for us why bother ? And when this person will make it and collect the results of his hard work, we will hate him because he has become successful. You life is not based on lies, the only lie is that you think you deserve something from this world, sorry I have to break it, you don't deserve anything at all, the world doesn't revolve around you, you have to move your fucking ass if you want to receive what you trully want, being there doesn't mean you deserve something. So I don't know you Seldoon, but I have (had) some friends on facebook, who are fully into those conspiration theories, and I trully hope you're not one of these guys, I remember them saying how the government was brainwashing them, to prevent them to live their life bla bla bla, those people are born losers, and they will die as losers, you have that chance to become whoever you want in this society, and if you think that you can't because of someone else, i'm afraid you're a loser too. There is big flaws in our society, that's sure, but it's up to you to work on that and make changes, don't wait for someone else to make it, they probably don't share your point of view anyway. I'm sorry for the off topic.
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