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  1. I think hes talking about VMT code. Heres how you make things shiny-- "VertexLitGeneric" { "$baseTexture" "foldername/texturename" "$envmap" "env_cubemap" "$envmaptint" "[ .36 .36 .30 ]" "$envmapconstrast" "1" "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1 } I dont know what the hell you other guys are talking about. Any other texturing questions should be directed here - http://www.hl2world.com/wiki/index.php/ ... :Texturing
  2. thats a low poly model Ofcourse, its for GTA. You hardly see the weapons.
  3. Fritz your sun doesnt make any sense, its at sunset level, yet the lighting looks like its high noon.
  4. Dogmatic


    Heres some grass i worked up a while ago, use it if you like. Already in VTF format with proper alpha channels. They kind of suck though since theyre just basic PS grass brushes, oh well. http://www.sitesled.com/members/dogmati ... /grass.rar Enjoy
  5. Dogmatic


    smoke stacks, antennas, basketballs, frisbees. Stuff like that, to give it life. Also, covering the lawn with some vertical grass would be nice.
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